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- Date: Tue, 5 Apr 94 23:36:47 PDT
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu
- Precedence: Bulk
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #381
- To: Info-Hams
- Info-Hams Digest Tue, 5 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 381
- Today's Topics:
- Audio/Voice Processors
- General Radiotelephone exam questions online?
- grammar on the air (2 msgs)
- Ham radios on planes - Definitive answ
- Kenwood TH-22AT
- Mount Athos and Cyprus
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #153
- SB320 Direction Finding in RACES
- woodpecker signal
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 6 Apr 94 04:05:17 GMT
- From: dog.ee.lbl.gov!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!chrism@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Audio/Voice Processors
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I've been thinking about getting one of those voice/audio processors
- to play around with. If you use one of these, could you send me
- some e-mail telling me which one you have, and what you like/dislike
- about it?
- Thanks!
- Chris Magnuson
- chrism@col.hp.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Apr 1994 00:37:11 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!odin!trier@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: General Radiotelephone exam questions online?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Are the General Radiotelephone Operator exam questions available, for
- free or for a charge, in electronic form? I have seen advertisements
- for the question set in printed form, but I like to study with a
- drill program on my computer and it would be a real pain to type in all
- of the questions. :-)
- I'm not picky -- although finding them on the net would be nice, I'd
- be satisfied if I could buy them on diskette from somewhere.
- Thanks for any pointers!
- Stephen
- --
- Stephen Trier KB8PWA "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that
- Other: trier@ins.cwru.edu certain je ne sais quois."
- Home: sct@po.cwru.edu - Peter Schickele
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Apr 1994 21:56:11 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!geraldo.cc.utexas.edu!astro.as.utexas.edu!oo7@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: grammar on the air
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- gdavis@griffin.emba.uvm.edu (Gary Davis) says:
- >>Subject: Hams should learn English
- Well, let's see what we have here:
- >>The word doesn't dosen't exit, " He don't need a new michrophone"
- ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
- Hmm, 3 spelling errors in one line is not encouraging.
- >>I'm still wondering how such poor English can be acquired
- >>when almost all broadcasting and newpapers does not indulge in such
- >>flights of misuse.
- "indulge in flights of misuse" is a pretty convoluted
- expression, pardner. First time I ever heard it.
- Further, "newspapers" is plural, and should be followed
- by "do not", rather than "does not".
- >>I've heard some
- >>JAs and many Eurpeans do better with English as a second and third
- >>language as 60% of American hams can do with it as their first.
- ^^
- This is a terrible sentence, although it helps it you replace
- "as" with "than".
- Judge not, lest ye be judged, eh?
- I think we both agree that the standard of spelling and grammar is
- not very high in the everyday world, although if you are going to
- complain about it you should take a little more care with your postings.
- I don't think the problem is one found only among hams, though. In
- the days when I read rec.radio.amateur.policy, it was remarkable that
- nearly all the postings complaining about the Morse code requirement were
- written by people who apparently dropped out of kindergarten, judging
- by their spelling and command of language. That doesn't mean that
- knowing the code improves your spelling, but it must mean something.
- Checks spelling, exits left -
- Derek Wills (AA5BT, G3NMX)
- Department of Astronomy, University of Texas,
- Austin TX 78712. (512-471-1392)
- oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Apr 1994 23:04:26 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!gumby!wupost!bigfoot.wustl.edu!cec3!jlw3@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: grammar on the air
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Derek Wills (oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu) wrote:
- : gdavis@griffin.emba.uvm.edu (Gary Davis) says:
- : >>Subject: Hams should learn English
- : Well, let's see what we have here:
- : >>The word doesn't dosen't exit, " He don't need a new michrophone"
- : ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
- : Hmm, 3 spelling errors in one line is not encouraging.
- : >>I'm still wondering how such poor English can be acquired
- : >>when almost all broadcasting and newpapers does not indulge in such
- : >>flights of misuse.
- : "indulge in flights of misuse" is a pretty convoluted
- : expression, pardner. First time I ever heard it.
- : Further, "newspapers" is plural, and should be followed
- : by "do not", rather than "does not".
- :
- : >>I've heard some
- : >>JAs and many Eurpeans do better with English as a second and third
- : >>language as 60% of American hams can do with it as their first.
- : ^^
- :
- : This is a terrible sentence, although it helps it you replace
- : "as" with "than".
- : Judge not, lest ye be judged, eh?
- : I think we both agree that the standard of spelling and grammar is
- : not very high in the everyday world, although if you are going to
- : complain about it you should take a little more care with your postings.
- : I don't think the problem is one found only among hams, though. In
- : the days when I read rec.radio.amateur.policy, it was remarkable that
- : nearly all the postings complaining about the Morse code requirement were
- : written by people who apparently dropped out of kindergarten, judging
- : by their spelling and command of language. That doesn't mean that
- : knowing the code improves your spelling, but it must mean something.
- : Checks spelling, exits left -
- I would scour your posting for English misuses, but at a glance, I didn't
- seen any, and it's the idea that counts anyway, right? But original poster
- wasn't as bad as the people (person) he (she) quoted. Misspelling something
- is onething, mis-saying it is something altogether different. Oh and his
- grammar problems as mentioned above are about as common as somebody using
- "who" instead of "whom" or "that" vs. "which". This isn't alt.grammar.sucks,
- and before you comment that *he* started it, remember that _saying_ something
- wrong is a lot harder than _writing_ something wrong. Because I'm typing,
- I don't always type confluent sentences, either. . .
- --jesse
- (waiting a ridiculously long time for my ticket)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Apr 94 13:52:13 GMT
- From: ncrgw2.ncr.com!ncrhub2!tdbunews!nsc32!wps@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Ham radios on planes - Definitive answ
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- What about at the airports? I have been through security at LAX with
- my FT-530 and they (security officers) only asked that I turn it on and
- prove that it was not a bomb. They did NOT mention that I could not
- transmit while in the terminal. Granted I keep it set to output
- either .5 or 1 watt, but if I had a 12 volt battery and used full power,
- then I can put out the full 5 watts. That is close enough to cause
- some problems with either aircraft landings or take-off, that's if it
- really does cause a problem. When I took a laptop on board, I think it
- was American Airlines that asked not to use the trackball since the wire
- acted as an antenna. The other airline did not make that request.
- Once again security only asked me to turn it on. Then there is the
- point of Hams at home on their base stations living near the airport.
- I work close to LAX and from the office windows here, we can see the planes
- take-off and land. Now there are some Hams that are near by as can be seen
- by the large Yagi on their tower. If a small handheld wil interfere with
- an aircraft, so they want you to think, then a base station putting out some
- power would really have an impact. Maybe that's why some of those plane do
- crazy things. It's some have using his rig controlling the plane like a
- large RC plane. HI-HI. The airline also does not want you to use your
- cellular telephone in flight. Why? So they can make big bucks on the in-flight
- phone.
- These are my comments and do not reflect any opinion of my employer, the FAA,
- the FCC, or anyone else....
- Bill
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Bill Starkgraf wps@ElSegundoCA.ncr.com |
- | AT&T Global Information Solutions (310) 524-5754 |
- | El Segundo, CA (800) 222-8372 x5754 |
- | |
- | Call: KD6UQB Simi Settlers ARC |
- | Simi Valley, CA |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Apr 1994 22:48:39 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!aa813@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Kenwood TH-22AT
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In a previous article, mmjjmm@post.its.mcw.edu (Michael Malloy) says:
- >Impressions wanted of the Kenwood TH-22AT. I am thinking about getting
- >one for a second HT.
- >--
- If you are using it as an HT, it is great. If you want to use it as a
- mobile rig and are in an intermod area, it suffers from the same problems
- as most modern HTs (it sucks). It puts out 3w out on the regular battery.
- I have used it mobile on the rubber duck with reasonable success. Through
- a quarter wave mag mount driving to Beautiful Downtown Cleveland, it was
- much worse than my old Kenwood TR-2600A. (There has to be a filter that
- will solve this problem.
- Bottom line: For a small (shirt pocket) 3w HT, it is great. For mobile
- use, I will stick with my Yeasu FT-2400H.
- Joe N8IPC
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Apr 94 02:14:55 GMT
- From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!csus.edu!netcom.com!slay@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Mount Athos and Cyprus
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- John Caradimas (sv1cec@sv1cec.ampr.ORG) wrote:
- : To : All Radio Amateurs
- : The DXCC commitee
- : The DXAC commitee
- : - The Mount Athos gentlemen is not just a banch of "mounts". It is a holy
- : area of the Romanian, Yugoslavian, Russian, Bulgarian and Greek
- : churches, or even better put, of the whole Christian Orthodox world.
- : Mount Athos is entirely populated by monks, and Apollo is the only monk
- Oh - I see - THAT is why it should be considered a separate country for DXCC.
- : When Apollo stopped its DX activities, a lot of hams
- : around the world complained and urge him to repeate them.
- :
- Excellent example of extortion, don't you think?
- : As far as we are concerned, dear fellow hams, we promise you that if these
- : proposals are ever voted, we will stop all DX activities, and will encourage
- : other Greek hams to do the same, so that the SV prefix becomes as rare as the
- : SV/A is today. Then again, the DXCC commitee might very well delete SV from
- : their list, but we certainly do not care to be part of a list created by
- : ignorant, politically influenced mappets.
- Oh this is an EVEN BETTER example of extortion.
- : The following radio amateurs are signing this message :
- : John Caradimas (SV1CEC) Dimitris Kaiafas (SV1BTW)
- : Danae Nika (SV1CIQ) Dimitris Gavalas (SV1BTO)
- : Korina Sfakiotaki (SV1CDQ)
- The scatalogical content and threats in the original message should be
- clear to most clear-thinking individuals. My immediate reaction was simply:
- ha ha ha ha, chortle chortle, snork, guffaw, chortle, snicker ..........
- It MUST be an APRIL FOOLS joke, right? snicker, snicker, tee hee.......
- 73 de Sandy WA6BXH slay@netcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 15:59:14 -0600
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!alberta!ve6mgs!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #153
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 153
- The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
- DX Bulletin No. 153
- BID: $OPDX.153
- April 4, 1994
- Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
- Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio
- Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1
- Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
- Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DL7VEE & DXNL, DF4RD,
- VE8EV, AD1C, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, K6OZL, WA8MEM, KF8VW,
- K8YSE, K8YVI, NE8Z and N0ZOH for the following DX information.
- WHAT AN EXCITING PAST WEEK FOR DXERS! (But all good things come to an
- end.) Activity by T33CS and T33KK will end April 5th (QSL T33CS via
- G4WFZ and T33KK via SM7PKK). XX9TZ will be going QRT April 4th or
- 5th. Operators DL5XX, XX9AS, OH6DO, OH2KNB and OH2BH were active from
- the Hyatt Regency, on Taipa Island (QSL via KU9C). The four day operation
- from Pulau Layang-Layang Island (aka Swallow Reef in the Spratly Island
- group) will go QRT April 6th. The Germany operators from Zambia will be
- going QRT April 5th (See 9I below).
- currently active as 1B/DJ6SI. His activity is mainly CW on all bands.
- At the present the TRNC does not have DXCC country status, but recently
- Igor, KU0J, has filed a petition for country status, which the DXAC is
- currently studying.
- 3A, MONACO. Ciao, I1YRL, will be active from here for two days starting
- at 1100z April 9th. This will be a CW only operation. QSL to I1YRL.
- 4U1ITU, ITU HQ GENEVA. When not active from Monaco, look for Ciao,
- I1YRL, to be active through the whole month of April. Also a special
- prefix of 4U9ITU will be used during the month of April. QSL to I1YRL.
- 5A0RR AND P5RS7. Romeo (aka 3W3RR) who is now active as AH0M/2, was
- overheard talking to Luis, XE1L, stating he will be traveling to
- Newington April 4th. He hopes to straighten out or clear up what is
- needed for his 5A and P5 operations to be accepted for DXCC. KYFC!!!
- 7O, YEMEN. GREAT NEWS!! On March 30th, the club radio station of 7O1AA
- was activated again by Achmed, a Yemen native who has returned to the
- country and was also once ex-HZ1FM. He has repaired equipment that was
- left behind in Yemen by Paul, F6EXV. Check 14226.5 Family Hour Net
- starting around 1600z or try 14243 kHz at 1500z with OE6EEG as net
- control. It has also been mentioned, that Achmed may show up with Zedan
- (JY3ZH) on the Arabian Nights Net (14250 kHz at 0600z). QSL via Box 485,
- Aden, Yemen. INTERESTING NOTE: It was reported back in May of 1993, that
- the ITU requested the government of Yemen to relinquish either 4W or 7O.
- It was reported that the government chose to relinquish 7O, so Yemen
- is supposed to be 4W now. LAST MINUTE UPDATE: There have been reports of
- CW activity on Saturday, April 2nd. Achmed reportedly does not operate
- CW, so beware of SLIMS. Also there was bad news reported on Sunday. It
- seems Achmed is having rig problems (Lets hope it is not major!).
- 9I, ZAMBIA. Probably by the time you read this, Holger/DL7VTM (NODXA
- member) who was signing 9I2Z, along with Birgit/DG9WYL (9I2M) and
- Lutz/DL7VLA (9I2A), will be heading back to Germany, April 5th. Holger,
- on April 1st, reported that the group's operation has made some 9000
- QSOs. He also reported they made 302 Oscar 13 contacts and 200 RTTY
- QSOs. During the CQ WW WPX Contest they operated Multi/Op and made
- 3000 QSOs primarily on 15 and 10 meters (40 meters signals were weak
- and 20 meters had local noise). QSL via DL7VRO. The group plans to
- attend the Dayton HamVention.
- 9Y, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. 9Y4TSB is a new operator who only has had his
- license for a couple of months. He was heard on 21360 kHz between
- 2000 and 2100z. QSL to: Trueman Braithwaite, Bon Accord, Tobago - West
- Indies.
- EI4VRU QSL CARDS. Scott, WD8NSD, informed OPDX that NR8U and he have
- been processing the cards for Barry, N2PNG, who was active from Ireland
- in December 1993. Barry is currently away at school, so both NR8U and
- WD8NSD have been computerizing his logs to making labels for the QSL
- cards. As of the past weekend, the cards were received from the printers
- and Scott reported the cards are going in the mail. DO NOT send QSL
- cards to WD8NSD or NR8U, only to N2PNG.
- FT, KERGUELEN ISLAND. Pierre, FT5XJ, was heard this past weekend for
- over an hour on 14288 kHz beginning around 0315z. QSL via F5NLL.
- IOTA NA-034. Dr. Rick Dorsch, NE8Z, will be active until April 9th as
- NE8Z/4 from various islands in the "Flordia State West" group. On SSB,
- look for him on the IOTA frequencies (14260, 21260 and 28460 kHz) and
- for CW, check 5 and 25 kHz up. QSL to K8LJG. ADDED NOTE: Rick mentions
- that all his XE1/NE8Z QSLs will be mailed out by April 15th. Colored
- QSLs are being printed and K8LJG has all the labels and logs.
- from the Inuvik Amateur Radio Club, will begin operations at 2300z on
- April 8th from this not-yet-activated NWT (Inuvik Region) IOTA island
- group. They plan an around the clock operation on 20 meters and 15
- meters, as well as some low band and satellite operations. QSL direct
- to any of the operators or via the bureau.
- SAD NOTE. Eva, PY2PE, a well known "friend of the DX community" became
- a SILENT KEY, April 1st.
- FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday
- from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is
- sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch.
- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
- OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS
- online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with
- the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: aq474@cleveland.freenet.edu or send
- BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to:
- DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA
- /EX
- ----------------------------
- Tedd Mirgliotta KB8NW
- InterNet: kb8nw@barf80.nshore.org
- Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS (BARF-80) +1 216/237-8208
- "Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Apr 94 06:18:18 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: SB320 Direction Finding in RACES
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Bid: $RACESBUL.320
- Subject: SB320 Direction Finding in RACES
- (W6SIG@WA6NWE.CA) Ph: 916-262-1600
- 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832
- Landline BBS Open to All: 916-262-1657
- RACESBUL.320 RELEASE DATE: April 4, 1994
- Subject: OPS - Direction finding in the RACES
- Question: What role does direction finding have in the RACES, if
- any?
- Response: Direction finding - the process of locating Radio
- Frequency signals by other radio equipment - has a tremendous
- role for Amateur Radio operators, particularly in urban areas.
- RACES units have been called upon to locate spurious signals from
- a variety of sources from malfunctioning equipment, such as stuck
- transmitters, to deliberate jamming of local government or other
- facilities.
- One direction finding response involved successful location of a
- moving radio that virtually crippled a major police department
- radio system. One of the departments handheld radios moved from
- officer to officer as the shifts changed and as they moved about
- the city. The particular radio had a unknown habit of keying up
- at odd intervals while in the belt holster of the officer. Since
- the mike was against the officer's body, little could be heard in
- the way of sound but it was wiping out the entire system. Each
- time the interference went off the air, and the others on the
- frequency were advised to switch channels, so did the unknowing
- officer. Consequentially the interfering signal followed every
- move to a different channel. Until the problem was solved, the
- department thought they had a deliberate jammer, when in fact it
- was malfunctioning commercial equipment in an "impossible
- configuration that just couldn't happen" but did!
- In addition to such uses for direction finding, as in the RACES
- type operations, there are others as well; the "fox hunt"
- (direction finding contest) of the local Amateur Radio club being
- an example. Such activities range from an ongoing "sport" to the
- real preparation for serious and dedicated direction finding.
- Both aspects have their place, but those who see "fox hunts" only
- as a pastime and purposely overlook the serious nature of the
- work that can be done, are a discredit to the Amateur Radio
- Service whose primary purpose - as set forth in FCC regulations -
- is public service. (eom)
- -----------------
- RACES Bulletins are archived on the Internet at ucsd.edu in hamradio/races
- or in hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming and can be retrieved using FTP.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 5 Apr 1994 22:19:52 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!unixg.ubc.ca!gardner@network.ucsd.edu
- Subject: woodpecker signal
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Has anyone recently heard any woodpecker signals lately.
- The reason I ask is that I monitored such a signal in 1991.
- I've not found anybody who knows what may be going on with it
- with regards to the ending of the cold war. I got into the habit
- of monitoring it years ago when suddenly around the first week of
- Dec. 1989 the signal suddenly stopped. Almost exactly a year later
- I suddenly noticed a pulse type signal, only it had a much higher
- pulse repetition rate. I knew it was a woodpecker type transmission
- because a times the signal would revert back to its old repetition
- rate. At the time I thought that such a signal should be expected
- because I read that the russians were busy upgrading the system.
- A higher pulse rept. rate would mean better imaging etc.
- The activity of the new system seemed to increase as 1991
- progressed and then peaked around Nov. 4 1991. Suddenly, after
- this specific date it stopped completely and I've not heard it
- since! The new system still had most of the features of the old
- system...Very wide band width, very powerful, same origin
- (Far east) and a 10.5 ionosperic pulse testing signal. To
- elaborate on the last point, the old system (for the western
- US) used to have four continuous signals that would periodically
- change frequency depending on the signal conditions while a
- fifth noticeably different sounding woodpecker signal would
- travel up the HF band stopping a arbitrary frequencies. This
- traveling signal, I think, was used to check for the optimal
- frequency at which the other four woodpecker signals could
- transmit at. In the new system this same traveling 10.5Hz signal
- was used along with the new higher pulse signals. I've talked to
- people who claim they still hear something, however, they say the
- pulse rate(pr) changes which is not a feature of the new system.
- When the new system seemed to get going it transmitted with the
- new (pr) all the time. They probably heard the american conus
- b system or something. Earlier in 1991 the new system would
- transmit at a specific part of the band and stay there for hours.
- Periodically the operators would reduce the (pr) rate to
- the old rate but only for a very short time. I suspect that when
- they did this they were simply experimenting with the new system.
- When it was being worked properly, it maintained its new (pr) rate
- and periodically changed frequency just like the old system.
- I suspect that this new system has been mothballed. It is
- possible that they may use it periodically as a backup for
- their early warning satelite network, but I kind of doubt it. If
- that were so I think we would still hear the 10.5Hz traveling
- signal. Has anyne heard such a signal recently? Does anyone
- know what has happened to the east coast signal, has it gone too?
- Did it go at the same time as the west coast one. For information,
- there used to be two woodpecker radar systems for the US; one for
- the east coast and one for the west. Although it would seem that
- the absence of the woodpecker signal would be the result of the
- ending of cold war tensions I don't think that is the case! As I've
- mentioned the signal was abscent for almost the whole of 1991 and
- things were still not completely "cold" then (remember the attempted
- coup etc. at that time). If it was of any use, they would have
- still needed it in 1991, unless the one monitoring the eastern
- US took over for a while. It is possible that the system is simply
- out of date and the upgrade was an attempt to better it but was not
- successful! Whatever that case, I would like to hear from
- someone who did hear the signal at this time too! It couldn't be
- missed in 1991. It was very loud and caused even worse interference
- than the old system. I actually named it the "buzzpecker". If
- anyone has some information drop me a message!
- m. gardner
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Apr 1994 00:13:18 GMT
- From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!odin!trier@network.ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- References <brett_miller.89.000EBED5@ccm.hf.intel.com>, <2nhujs$7hg@news.tamu.edu>, <brett_miller.109.0009F70E@ccm.hf.intel.com>
- In article <brett_miller.109.0009F70E@ccm.hf.intel.com>,
- Brett Miller - N7OLQ <brett_miller@ccm.hf.intel.com> wrote:
- >I think that is the main problem. Cross-posting such lengthy articles is just
- >a pure waste of bandwidth.
- Actually, a properly cross-posted article does not use any more bandwidth
- than an article posted to only one newsgroup. That is why crossposting
- is different from posting many times.
- The exception is when someone has a feed that gets one of the groups and
- not the other. Then I agree, he might have a valid point if he says
- that it is a waste of bandwidth _on that link_.
- Should the list go into r.r.i only? I don't really care. I would like
- to see it still posted, but it doesn't matter to me where.
- Stephen
- --
- Stephen Trier KB8PWA "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that
- Other: trier@ins.cwru.edu certain je ne sais quois."
- Home: sct@po.cwru.edu - Peter Schickele
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #381
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